(Experiment) Artefact - Moodboard and finder app for visual thinkers, pinterest hunters & designers

What is Artefact?

Mac app to which you can load and bookmark your local folders and then preview images and gifs, in much more elegant way. I often save moodboards and inspiration into regular folders, and wanted a nicer way to view the files.


Switching between folders you’ve bookmarked feels very snappy and quick.


Removing gutters is expecially usefull in full-screen app mode. The app also has a fancy dark mode, if you fancy that kind of thing!


Clicking on any image, opens image preview. Using left or right keyboard arrows, you can browse throught images in your folder. It’s lighting fast, when pressing down the keys!

All of the videos on this page are from the alpha version.

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I'm an industrial, product and experience designer from Helsinki, Finland. I live in a log house about an hour from Helsinki. I drink excessive amount of tea, and own enough books to last me lifetime. This website is my little dusty corner of the internet.